
Signals are how we communicate with the partner web platform

XCE provides a custom Javascript API called signal layer that gets added to the global namespace when our script is loaded. This is used as an abstraction layer for us to scale a performant integration.

There are three signal types available: set , listen and update

These are objects pushed to the signal layer by calling signalLayer.push() . Before calling the signal layer we first must initialize it like so:

window.signalLayer = window.signalLayer || [];

Each signal object will be conformed by two main properties:

  • signal - Type of signal(set , listen or update)

  • element - The element tag name we want to publish to(xce-protection-offer)

Any additional properties will be depending on the signal we are working with, so please see the following guidelines on how to use set, listen and update signals and what their specific attributes are.

Each variable declared within the signal layer object will persist only as long as the visitor remains on the current page.

See Element manipulation for instructions on passing state between pages to the element

Last updated