
Webhooks are sent to every receiving url that is specified in the "webhooks" key on the claim creation request - you can check the "create a new claim" request in these docs for an example of how to do this. It is completely optional, so you can specify no webhook receivers, one or as many as you like (for example, if you have multiple separate parts of your ecosystem which you would like to receive these webhooks).

Inside the webhooks array of the aforementioned create claim request, you can specify receivers inside json objects. Each object should have a "url" and "key" property. The URL property specifies the URL that the webhook will be sent to, and the key is any string you choose, which is used to create a signature for each webhook sent (to the URL specified in the same webhook object), which will allow you to verify the authenticity of the sender (ie. XClaim).

For example, consider this:

      "url": "http://some.site",
      "key": "abc123"

Webhooks will be sent to "http://some.site", and the signature created using the key "abc123".

Last updated