Frequently asked questions by developers, devops, business analysts

Common FAQs by Insurance Vertical

Events / Tickets

Travel / Accommodation

Property / Renters

Parcel / Shipping

Product / Retail

General API FAQs

How long does a typical partner integration take?

Integrations typically take between 4 to 8 weeks. There are several factors affecting this timeline:

  • Partner developer resources, in regards to availability, capacity and numbers.

  • Customisations to the API

  • Testing

  • Pricing and bundle experimentation

  • Premium collection method (payment processing)

XCover API p99 and p95 latencies

/quotes endpoint without fast quote parameter p99 of 400ms

/bookings endpoint p99 of 200ms

Can you provide a Sandbox environment?

A sandboxed environment will be provided to the partner once a commercial agreement is in place.

The sandbox allows partners to create and modify quotes, create bookings, create. customers, test API responses and perform various other activities.

Last updated

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