Displaying the Quote
Presenting the Insurance/Protection offer in the purchase path
Partners will often present an insurance offer after customers have selected a core product (such as a laptop, travel booking, event tickets, etc.). There are key components to presenting an insurance/protection offer, where 1-3 are dynamic from API response, and the items under 4 are static (provided or approved by Cover Genius CSE):
Policy wording link
Product name, inclusions, panel content, Trustpilot banner, and graphical elements.
Cover Genius offers a standard or customised design structure optimised for the partner specific use case (ie. Travel, Parcel, Ticket, Retail, etc.). A Travel example is presented below:
Legend: Red = Static content , Blue = API response
A Trustpilot.com rating for XCover, demonstrates reliability
B Inclusions content, taken from XCover supplied content
API Response content:
1. Price, per ticket (division of "total_price"
by number of travellers/units) or full price if in "add" button ("total_price"
2. Disclaimer, taken from "content":{ "disclaimer"}
3. Policy Wording, taken from the "pds_url"
quote response field, for example: "view wording" as a hyperlink of: "https://www.xcover.com/en/pds/ABCD-1234-INS"
Generally, the quote display should address:
Customer relevance - Does the quote/product presentation make sense for this purchase flow?
Compliance and regulatory requirements - Does the offer meet requirements for disclaimers, price, statements of fact, and availability of policy wording?
Marketing copy and trust - Is the offer likely to be understood and selected by the customer? Is the offer trusted/compelling?
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