
Webhooks allow partners to be notified when important events happen in XCover. When one of those events are triggered, we will send an HTTP POST payload to the webhook's configured URL. Webhooks can be used to send a customer notification, initiate a policy renewal process or perform any custom logic. To establish webhooks, partners can provide to their CSE: 1. Listener URL 2. Authentication Key & Secret 3. Support URL 4. Requested events (CSE may propose or suggest these as part of solutioning).

We will provide an HTTP signature generated on our end in Authorization header and the api key itself in X-Api-Key header. We will base the signature on your provided key pair. You can use the same HMAC based algorithm for signature verification, if required. Please use the information from the signature header to check which hash algorithm is used in order to validate the request. Currently, webhook requests are signed using sha256 algorithm.

In case of multiple failures with the webhook notification, where the partner supplied endpoint does not respond with a 200 OK, we will try the webhook for up to 3 times.


Description: The payload is sent in a webhook to the Partner whenever the Booking is Created through an API Request.

  'event': 'BOOKING_CREATED',
  'payload': {
    'id': '8AMKH-KQ8NR-INS',
    'status': 'CONFIRMED',
    'currency': 'USD',
    'total_price': 68.71,
    'total_price_formatted': 'US$68.71',
    'partner_transaction_id': null,
    'quotes': [
        'id': '8bfb48ab-6947-4f34-a932-c4dcede958f6',
        'policy_start_date': '2023-10-08T00:00:49.751227+00:00',
        'policy_end_date': '2023-10-13T00:00:49.751247+00:00',
        'status': 'CONFIRMED',
        'price': 68.71,
        'price_formatted': 'US$68.71',
        'policy': {
          'policy_type': 'travel_medical',
          'policy_name': 'PolicyVersion 0',
          'policy_version': 'e94df011-ee0b-44a1-bdb1-1dd05cb67fc7'
        'duration': '5 00:00:00.000020',
        'total_renewed_times': 0


Description: The payload is sent to the Partner whenever the Booking is Updated through an API Request

  'event': 'BOOKING_UPDATED',
  'payload': {
    'id': 'TKBZN-XGPAX-INS',
    'status': 'CONFIRMED',
    'currency': 'USD',
    'total_price': 68.71,
    'total_price_formatted': 'US$68.71',
    'partner_transaction_id': null,
    'quotes': [
        'id': '4d3b7919-9372-4c54-bdaf-05f770ffc2fc',
        'policy_start_date': '2023-10-08T01:09:19.649112+00:00',
        'policy_end_date': '2023-10-13T01:09:19.649133+00:00',
        'status': 'CONFIRMED',
        'price': 68.71,
        'price_formatted': 'US$68.71',
        'policy': {
          'policy_type': 'travel_medical',
          'policy_name': 'PolicyVersion 0',
          'policy_version': '1637bc92-0299-4624-8f38-c9b9e15d379e'
        'duration': '5 00:00:00.000021',
        'total_renewed_times': 0


Description: The payload is sent to the Partner whenever the Booking is cancelled through an API Request

  'payload': {
    'id': 'HMZZ8-3YYHZ-INS',
    'status': 'CANCELLED',
    'currency': 'USD',
    'total_price': 0.0,
    'total_price_formatted': 'US$0.00',
    'partner_transaction_id': null,
    'quotes': [
        'id': 'e0925616-824d-4216-bd18-450fb669c017',
        'policy_start_date': '2023-10-08T01:19:41.766661+00:00',
        'policy_end_date': '2023-10-13T01:19:41.766719+00:00',
        'status': 'CANCELLED',
        'price': 68.71,
        'price_formatted': 'US$68.71',
        'policy': {
          'policy_type': 'travel_medical',
          'policy_name': 'PolicyVersion 0',
          'policy_version': 'dd5aef78-5ce5-4f19-a455-968780b89ea2'
        'duration': '5 00:00:00.000058',
        'total_renewed_times': 0,
        'refund_value': 68.71


Description: Used to notify partner about approaching renewal.


    "event": "RENEWAL_CREATED",
    "payload": {
        "id": "daSJp-fwdoj-REN",
        "package_id": "GKDK9-CECQU-INS",
        "quote_id": "c8ddb161-e3d9-455b-9621-96df90f17acb",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "start_date": "2019-02-25T13:00:00Z",
        "notification_date": "2018-11-22T00:21:41Z",
        "due_date": "2019-02-25T13:00:00Z",
        "expiry_date": "2018-11-21T22:56:01Z",
        "cancelled_on": null,
        "paid_on": "2019-02-25T13:00:00Z",
        "created_at": "2018-11-21T04:15:12.175468Z"


Description: Sent on the renewal due date, the customer policy will be active until the end of the grace period (expiry_date).


    "payload": {
        "id": "daSJp-fwdoj-REN",
        "package_id": "GKDK9-CECQU-INS",
        "quote_id": "c8ddb161-e3d9-455b-9621-96df90f17acb",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "start_date": "2019-02-25T13:00:00Z",
        "notification_date": "2018-11-22T00:21:41Z",
        "due_date": "2019-02-25T13:00:00Z",
        "expiry_date": "2018-11-21T22:56:01Z",
        "cancelled_on": null,
        "paid_on": null,
        "created_at": "2018-11-21T04:15:12.175468Z"


Description: Sent on the renewal expiry date, the customer policy is considered canceled after this event is sent.


    "event": "RENEWAL_DUE",
    "payload": {
        "id": "daSJp-fwdoj-REN",
        "package_id": "GKDK9-CECQU-INS",
        "quote_id": "c8ddb161-e3d9-455b-9621-96df90f17acb",
        "status": "DUE",
        "start_date": "2019-02-25T13:00:00Z",
        "notification_date": "2018-11-22T00:21:41Z",
        "due_date": "2019-02-25T13:00:00Z",
        "expiry_date": "2018-11-21T22:56:01Z",
        "cancelled_on": null,
        "paid_on": null,
        "created_at": "2018-11-21T04:15:12.175468Z"

Last updated