Policy Management

Most users will manage policies on XCover.com

After booking and over the course of using a policy, users may need to manage their policy, to view and reference their policy inclusions, limits, or terms and conditions, and to update their account information. In most instances, this is performed on XCover.com Partners may wish to include a link to this page in their experience, and often a specific policy URL will be appropriate to include, such as: Claims: https://xcover.com/en/account/claims/fnol?bookingID=1ABCD-VWXYZ-INS Modification: https://xcover.com/en/modify/1ABCD-VWXYZ-INS Certificate of Insurance (COI): https://xcover.com/en/coi/1ABCD-VWXYZ-INS Policy Disclosure Statement / Policy Wording (PDS): https://xcover.com/en/pds/1ABCD-VWXYZ-INS Users will also need to have created an account before using these links. In most cases, users will receive an account creation email containing a specific login URL shared with them after booking, usually via a policy confirmation email.

Last updated