JS based offer display

Using XCover elements, the work of coding to display quote response is removed.

  1. A simple script is used as a wrapper for the quote request

  2. If custom display settings are required, they may be applied using signals or taken from quote request variables (see below example).

  3. Using Content Delivery Network (CDN), offers are displayed within the purchase flow on partner site.

  4. Response Signals are used to determine user interaction/purchase choices.

This approach reduces the up front development effort and any ongoing growth project maintenance, allowing for streamlined launch and optimizations See more documentation for XCover Elements panel display here

Important: Most display variations are handled by quote request attributes for example the currency display could be set as Indonesian Rp (IDR):

quote_request: {
    "customer_language": "en",  //LANGUAGE: en for English, id for Bahasa
    "customer_country": "ID",   //POLICY LOCALE: AU for English, ID for Indonesia
    "currency": "IDR",          //AUD for Australia Dollar, IDR for Indonesian Rupiah

Custom Variable Display Requirements

In some cases, partners may have custom display requirements based on experience settings or customisations. An examples of custom display settings is shown below:

In the above example, circled (blue) formatting for currency symbol is selected using custom set signals (symbol). Eg:

currency_config: {
currencyDisplay: 'symbol',	//'symbol' or 'narrowSymbol'
trailingZeroDisplay: 'stripIfInteger'//'auto' or 'stripIfInteger' 

In the below example, the currencyDisplay config element is set to narrowSymbol

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